Skaileka 6th generation Intel processors

Intel's latest processor as well as the "Intel skaileka". Skaileka more advanced and modern in design, so that the computer can run more dynamic and low power cost. Skaileka from the processor's high and thin desktops, laptops, and cell phones to use. There are mainly four types of processors. Skylake S for the desktop. Skylake Y, U, H for mobile computing. Currently, there are two processors on the market. An i7 6700K and another i5 6600K. Intrigrededa weaker than the previous generation of graphics processors skaileka generation. Because of this processor that Intel would not think all of them and put them to a separate graphics card
Skaileka peculiarity of the processor as follows:i7 6700K:
1 / 4.0 GHz to 4.2 GHz core frequency turboboost.
II / DDR 4 uses memory capacity.
3 / 4K video editing.
4 / Next Generation Gaming
5/4 cores with 8 threads.
6 / low power consumption. 91W
7 / socket LGA 1151
The processor of the price of binary logic ( - 29000 in cash. i5 6600K price of Rs 21000. 6th-generation processor, different motherboard for it. Supported motherboard are:
z150 series motherboards. The price, according to information obtained from the Internet as follows:
Gigabyte GA-Z170 HD3 DDR3 13000 / -
Gigabyte GA-Z170 XP SLI Gaming 15000 / -
Gigabyte GA Z170 X 19000 / -
Note that these prices vary greatly from the Internet can be praptatai.

As you will see, at the time of purchase of the motherboard "Z170" is written. This motherboard supports DDR 3 RAM, and may be more compatible with the DDR4 could ryamayuktao. Latest DDR 4 memory market. So the high prices.
Gamers motherboard prepared especially for Z170. Most of the graphics card is fitted with two PCI express 3.0 16x etc, it will be in. The graphics will be necessary to apply to the 6th generation. Intrigrededa Intel graphics and many thought that we saw, few are using. So this time they insisted on the Integrated Audio. So this is the perfect quality of sound can be found at the Z170 series motherboards.
6700K and 6600K Overclocking the processor is supported, so hopefully in the next 3 years will be very easy to play the latest games.
Skaileka generation processors and motherboards are currently available on the market.


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