Learn C programming language [Part 1] :: [Introduction] -

Why is programming?Before answering the question of why, let's programming, programming, why not?Well, how would if there were not computers? If you were not the Internet? If it were not Facebook? What would have happened if it were not for Google? Our assignment was to find out how we are?
Games, computer software, Mobile Application, web pages, whatever the wonderful programming. It's a computer or computer-related. If you looked at something else, cars, airplanes, space vehicles, medical diagnosis machine, microwave oven, lift, build our, all electronics, including calculators yantratei programming is used.
People using their own language in order to communicate with one another. People need to interact with the machine and the language, he is the programming language. Communicates with the machine, not exciting?
Pretty knowing anything more than programming.
How much importance is going to mean a full programming. We believe we are one of the types of work to do. Unlike the methods of work, the program and the different. Again, this is a lot different in the programming language to create programs. Click here to see how much of the programming language is ekatu.
Why C programming have so many?All of the C programming language Basic. It is a programming language is very easy. The origin of many of these have already pogramim C language. Such as C ++, Java, C #, PHP, etc. C. They know she can be easily identified.
All features are the base of the C programming. At the base of the feature, follow all programming languages.The kernel is the core of the operating system or the life of the computer. Windows, Unix or Linux, the kernel code is written in C with the majority. C is one that could easily see his dream of creating an operating system.
The driver seemed to have the new device. The driver software is almost always written in the C programming. Because the hardware and saphatoyara of pointers in C can be contacted.
C is the middle level language. There are three types of programming languages. High Level, Middle Level & Low Level. High Level Language is made by the user who uses the program. Saphatoyara with Low Level Programming and communication is done in hardware. And C is the combination of the High Level and Low Level. Which can be done in two.
There is also the reason why C is learned.


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