Ten Steps to Better Web Research
Stage One: Deciding Where to Search In June 2013, Dulcinea Media will release Teaching Web Research Skills, a research-based multimedia experience that greatly expands upon these Ten Steps. Read this blog post for more information. Educators and parents, please view our presentation on Teaching the Ten Steps. It includes a discussion of research studies and educator advice that informed these Ten Steps. Step 1: The Internet Is Not Always the Best Place to Start Should you start this research project by using the Internet? Many schools offer access to remarkable databases that may be a much better place for you to begin your research. Sure, they may be a little inconvenient, but they may help you find the credible information you need more quickly than any search engine will. As Joyce Valenza, librarian at Springfield Township High School in Pennsylvania, says, “students must be aware of the full research toolkit available to them. It's not just Google.”...